“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”
(Psalm: 119:105)
The Holy Bible is a compilation of different books, which God the Almighty had either spoke or revealed to many of his prophets and disciples to write it over a period of time. So, it is the God’s word and His will that we read in it. Bible is the God given ultimate truth for the world which comforts, inspires, instructs and spiritually nurtures a person to reach up to the divine and holy nature of our Lord Jesus Christ. Bible remarks about Jesus, in the gospel book of John like this.
“And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth.” (John: 1: 14)
So Jesus is the word of God which came down from heaven in fleshly form. Most often the word of God is compared to the daily bread, without which a Christian cannot live and survive in this world. Now let’s deep dive into this particular bible verse which is mentioned above as the title.
1. Light unto my path
In the present world people have diverse options and freedom to choose the path in which they wish to travel whether it be right or wrong. But for a God fearing person, the word of God is like a light which unveils to him the path to be taken, which otherwise would have been impossible to discover. Jesus himself told in John: 8: 12 that,
“I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness but shall have light of life.”
Jesus is that light which falls upon the heart of a sinner to make him realize about the truth of his spiritual darkness. Only when this light shines, one gets convicted about his sins and sees the Christian path ahead by receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior. This encounter in life with Jesus soon demands the person to choose a new course. Either he can choose the new life which God had revealed to him or can turn back to the old sinner’s way to destruction.
The word of God gives a route map through which a disciple of Jesus is intended to walk to reach the real destination of eternal life. The road taken can have ups and downs, diversions, sudden turnings and also troubles which we never expect. These can be avoided or overtaken only with the help of the word of God when it becomes a light for our path. Now that the path is disclosed to a person, it is the responsibility of the person to keep the consistency while walk on it. The word of God, which dwells inside the person will guide and directs the journey throughout his life. As one of the famous hymn sings “What a friend we have in Jesus”, Jesus is the best friend a person can ever hold on in his entire life.
2. Lamp unto my feet
Lamp is a source of light which we have to carry along our journey. It is something which has to be held closer in such a way that our feet can be clearly seen to take each step. A broad spectrum of light will be insufficient for such a purpose, rather a focused light is necessary. The lamp provides more clarity and precision to the route so that even the minutest of the stones or hurdles that can hurt our feet can be seen. When a disciple of Jesus walks through the way to his destination, he needs more insights and revelations from the word of God to guide him.
Hence the word of God acts as a light for the initiation of Christian faith and also a lamp which sustains it till the end.
In Matthew: 7: 13, 14 Bible says,
“Because strait is the gate and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, a few there be that find it.”
As per the scriptures, the entrance to heaven is narrow and only a few will find it. The gate through which a person enters to experience salvation and eternal life is Jesus Christ. When this supernatural light shines upon a person, he gets to see this gate of salvation opened for him and realizes the immense love of Jesus Christ for him. For the redemption of our sins, He was once beaten up and was lifted upon the cross. We have to believe in Him and accept Him as our Lord and Savior.
Once passed the gate, the way leading to eternal life is also narrow. It is then that the person has to carry his own lamp i.e. God’s word very close to his feet so that he can be careful in each footstep. Since the route is narrow, we need that light all through that journey till we reach the ultimate source of light in heaven.
May the Lord Jesus Christ help each and every person who reads this to see and walk on this marvelous light and let the word of God through the Holy Spirit be the guidance to lead on. Amen.